Thought Police Report Winston metalworker: Age: 39 Appearance: varicose ulceration in business tholepin, thin, flimsy Threat Level: Mode tramp Notes: April 26, 1984 Winston smith is a thin and frail thirty-nine year antediluvian patriarch man. Winston walks with a noticeable preventative because of a varicose ulcer in his right leg and has trouble traveling up the seven flights of stairs to his at once at Victory Mansions. (Orwell 1) He is married to Katharine, a businesslike member of the diey. Winston works for Ministry of veracity changing incorrect historic records that do not bear on those of our company. (Orwell 3) The first inter mystify a motionion I had with Winston metalworker was at twain legal proceeding Hate. The crowd, along with me, were in a frenzy however when I looked over, Winston had a look of turn ones stomach of in his eyes. As a precautionary measure, I am going to conservatively canvass Winstons past recordings from his telescreen and oversee them in the future. April 27, 1984 by and by further digging on Winston, a few things moreover begun to alarm me. It is not Winstons physical attributes that concern me; it is his sense and body language. Winston has been taking part in suspicious behavior. He seems to be contemplatively questioning and resisting his orders and duties of our government.

I suffer watched the telescreens in Winstons flat and there ar countless times where he turns his back to the telescreen, seemingly laborious to conceal things. (Orwell 3) This was the first achievement of rebellion that I blatantly noticed which incited my suspicion. On a hunch, I consulted with the members of the inner party in the Ministry of Love and they hand over confirmed that his embrace rate has been out of the ordinary. I heart this information is important to be documented but inherent action is not moreover necessary. I will appease to monitor Winstons effortless routine with caution. May 30, 1984 My brain was right. For the past month I have been tailing Winston everyplace he travels. After quest Winston around, I witnessed him entering a secondhand...If you compulsion to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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